Rescue from harmful traditional practices

Located in the heart of East Pokot, the community here believes that FGM is an important rite of passage that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. The cut is performed on girls aged 10 to 17. Vigorous anti FGM campaigns have been carried out by various government and non government organizations and the young girls continue to get enlightened on the harmful effects of the practice.
Cana Girls Rescue home works with the government structures such as the local administration, police, children’s department and the courts to rescue girls from Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Early Child Marriages, child defilement and child labour. With the help and donations from well wishers, we provide a home environment for the girls seeking refuge most of who have been on the run for days after escaping the cut. The police, courts and the children’s department also seek admission for rescued girls at Cana Girls.
Our efforts are however facing great challenges as our resources are limited. Sometimes we are called to rescue girls from far and having no means of transport across the vast East Pokot is in many cases a hindrance to of efforts.